Humanities as a learning discipline is concerned with the “totality” of human being. Parallel to this, the Area of Humanities of the CRMSD looks carefully on the concepts of the human conditions, its experiences, interactions and the arts. This area includes Social Studies (Araling Panlipunan); Christian Living; Music, Arts, Physical Education and Health (MAPEH). These three units highlight the nature of human – his abilities, past and present experiences, social nature, productivity and variety of intellectual, social, emotional and spiritual faculties so that in the long run, the student will be able to use all these knowledge as a tool to help him/her become his/her best possible self; a competent Filipino-Catholic young man/woman of TRUTH, LOVE and SERVICE, who thinks wisely, upholds his/her identity, tradition and cultural heritage, participates actively in the process of social transformation for a better world and society, preserves the beauty and bounty of the natural resources, shares joyfully the fruits of his/her labor to others specially the less fortunate, propagates devotion to the Mother of God and decides responsibly in truth, justice and compassion.
To achieve the desired vision, the students are exposed to varied learning possibilities, both theoretical and experiental, inside and outside of the classroom, further aided by differentiated strategies attuned to their identified needs.
In view of man’s social nature, it is imperative for the learners not only to be aware of the prevailing issues and concerns but to actively participate to find solutions for the problems and be prime moves of advocacies integral for local, national and international progress. Thus current events becomes and indispnsable part of daily activities both in the inside and the outside of the classroom.