Have you ever imagined yourself in a situation where people can no longer properly stand on their own feet and are thrown into a state of intense fear and desperation by witnessing dozens of well-built buildings fall apart, bridges that used to connect become impassable, clusters of utility posts, monuments, towers, and such become either displaced or overturned? How could people possibly survive this kind of very destructive scenario?
These and a lot of other questions were raised and answered during the Earthquake Drill Orientation for the entire community led by the Safety and Welfare Department of the school on July 4, 2019 at the Aquinas School Multi-purpose Hall.
Through the event that thoroughly and carefully showed the proper execution of the “Duck, Cover, and Hold,” the whole studentry from Junior Kinder to Grade 12 and all the school employees underwent simulation scenarios to ensure their preparedness and alertness in case of earthquake.
To recall, the Philippines, which is situated at the Pacific Ring of Fire, has faced a frequent number of earthquakes and tsunamis over the years. In fact, we are home to numerous active faults and several trenches which signal our high probability of being hit by this unpredictable natural phenomenon.
In coordination with the NDRRMC , Aquinas School after the said orientation session has already conducted monthly earthquake drills to train students to be prepared and increase the chance of survival.